40 research outputs found

    The Enabling Delta Life Initiative - Global Programme of Action on Deltas - Programme description

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    Being ‘hotspots’ of human activity with generally high population densities, deltas are vulnerable to changes induced by a range of driving forces, both natural and anthropogenic. In addition to already existing challenges, uncertainty of the possible impacts of climate change, low lying deltas around the world increasingly face challenges to cope with subsidence, flood risk, storms and salinization. Due to on-going urbanization, demographic growth and economic activities, which have to be combined with food production and ecosystem integrity, the demand for sustainable water allocation and sound infrastructure in deltas is omnipresent. Competing demands from a variety of sectors and stakeholders require a transparent dialogue and an enabling governance environment for sound decision-making. The complex and interrelated issues in deltas need to be specifically addressed to make these deltas more resilient and sustainable for the years to come. For that purpose the Global Water Partnership (GWP) and Delta Alliance (DA) developed the ‘Enabling Delta Life Initiative’: a Global Programme of Actions on Deltas, with support from the Netherlands International Development Programme (DGIS). This programme will be part of the Global Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP) of GWP and will be jointly implemented by GWP and Delta Alliance

    Organische stof: de moeite waard voor waterbeheer?

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    Zijn investeringen in bodemorganische stof de moeite waard voor eenwaterbeheerder? In schrale zandgronden heeft organische stof een gunstigewerking op de waterbeschikbaarheid, maar in andere gronden is het effectbeperk

    Beworteling van grasland en droogtetolerantie : maatregelen voor een diepere beworteling

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    Aan de hand van de literatuur en langlopende proeven zijn de meest veelbelovende maatregelen om de bewortelingsdiepte van grasland te bevorderen op een rijtje gezet. Preventie van bodemverdichting door vertrapping en structuurschade en werken aan de herstelcapaciteit van de bodem is belangrijk. Maatregelen die hierbij horen zijn: verhogen van het organische stof gehalte, op peil houden van de pH en bevorderen van aantallen en activiteit van wormen. Ook kunnen er maatregelen genomen worden bij de inzaai van graslanden door snelgroeiende diepwortelende gewassen als dekvrucht te gebruiken en diepwortelende grassoorten of grasrassen te kiezen. Via de bemesting kan de beworteling verbeterd worden door de N-gift te verlagen, de N-gift uit te stellen na maaien en deze toe te dienen onder het maaiveld. Hoger maaien en minder frequent maaien of beweiden vallen ook onder de management opties voor een betere beworteling

    Kijk eens wat vaker onder de graszode

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    Kan de bodem negatieve gevolgen van klimaatverandering opvangen? Wat is de invloed van duurzaam bodembeheer op de vochthuishouding in de bodem? Hoe kan het functioneren van de bodem worden geoptimaliseerd om te anticiperen op droge of natte periodes? Deze vragen van provincie Utrecht en Waterschap Vallei & Veluwe waren aanleiding voor het SKB-project 'Kijk eens wat vaker onder de graszode'

    Características químicas de um latossolo adubado com uréia e cloreto de potássio em ambiente protegido

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    A produção de vegetais mais sadios e de boa qualidade e o fornecimento contínuo no mercado são fatores que têm determinado a adoção do sistema de cultivo protegido por um número maior de produtores. Porém, devido ao pouco conhecimento sobre o manejo do solo nessas condições, tem-se aplicado altas doses de fertilizantes, ocasionando problemas de salinidade e desequilíbrio nutricional. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da aplicação da uréia e do cloreto de potássio nas características químicas de um LATOSSOLO VERMELHO Destrófico, principalmente nos índices de acidez e saturação em potássio. O N e o K foram aplicados em cobertura, nas doses equivalentes de 13,3 e 39,9 g m-2 de N e 5,5 e 16,6 g m-2 de K, em esquema fatorial (2x2+1), com tratamento adicional, sem a aplicação dos nutrientes. Cultivou-se pimentão, cultivar Mayata, em condições de ambiente protegido, durante 34 semanas. Após o pegamento das mudas, foi aplicado 1/6 dos nutrientes a cada dez dias. Ao final do ciclo, as formas de N nítrico e N amoniacal representaram melhor as doses do nutriente aplicados ao solo e não houve acidificação. As raízes tiveram significativo crescimento após a aplicação de N, enquanto que o aumento da dose de K, aplicado como KCl, prejudicou o crescimento radicular, provavelmente associado à alta concentração de K no solo e possíveis efeitos salinos, correspondendo a mais de 5,0 mmol c dm-3 e mais que 5,3% de saturação do K no complexo de troca, na camada superficial do solo

    Ecological rehabilitation of Lac Bonaire by wise management of water and sediments

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    Lac Bonaire is confronted with a gradually decreasing open water area because mangrove is occupying this area. At the same time mangrove growth deteriorates at the back of the mangrove belt, the area of hyper saline flats gradually increases and sediment is deposited in the bay area. During a field visit, the most prominent problems are identified and concrete management actions are proposed for the ecological rehabilitation of Lac Bonaire